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May 8, 2020
Owner to Owner

Multitasking Heroes

This, my friends, is a CELEBRATORY blog for all those mothers, pet-moms, boss-moms, mother-of-all-things and mother figures!

As of late, we are all experiencing in some capacity an extreme level of multi-tasking. More are working from home with an exorbitant amount of distractions while possibly figuring out the art of homeschooling and if or when “me” time will be scheduled. For us planners, we are used to multitasking; the barrage of vendors checking in while also answering phone call after phone call from staff and clients. We should be used to distraction, but if I am being honest, this new form of distraction and multitasking is exhausting! This coming from someone that only has a husband and two dogs at home with her. I cannot even imagine or fully relate to those that have little beings, aka children, or other family members that are at home 24/7.

My social media feeds would typically be riddled with photos of the latest event designs, interactive food stations and floral trends, but recently have been flooded with different art projects, homeschooling schedule templates and do-it-yourself home projects. I am overjoyed that there are so many resources easily accessible for all my friends and the other families searching for ways to entertain and educate. Side bar: a huge kudos to companies such as National Geographic for Kids and Scholastic for their amazing online resources; those are entertaining and informative for kids and adults alike!

But when does it all become too overwhelming as if to suggest this IS how all time should be spent; that “screen time” isn’t appropriate, but really may be the best option to recoup some sanity? I know many parents that have second-guessed their parental capabilities, even the ones, my fellow planners, that are predisposed to this lifestyle of chaos and extreme multitasking.

I am here to remind you all: you are doing the absolute best you can, and you have SLAYED the past few months!

Let us first remember, there are these people in the world, professionals, that would have typically overseen the education of your children throughout the day … they are called TEACHERS (and daycare providers). They are the godsend, much like you are to your clients. They were made for that life and you should not feel ashamed or in any way less than, because you have wanted to throw in the towel a time or two… or twenty. Spend this time with your child(ren), significant other and/or pets in whatever capacity you see fit… maybe it’s crafting or a puzzle, maybe it’s following some sort of ad hoc school schedule or trying out a reading club you’ve created; maybe it simply means taking a few extra walks or just sitting down and racking up that couch time while watching movie after movie.

Now is not the time to compare what you are currently doing to what they normally should be doing. None of this is normal anymore; normal left the party so abruptly as if they stole that last bottle of Aperol or drank all the White Claws! Much like any obstacle in your way during an event, take a step back, breathe and create your new “normal.” Remember, no one has a right to say what your normal looks like… you wouldn’t let an outsider come into an event you’ve tirelessly been planning for a year or more and say the layout needs to be revised and the color scheme is all wrong, would you?

While you create the new normal, say a little prayer for all those teachers and daycare providers that simply can’t wait to see your little devils, and know that you are incredible. No matter if you are providing guidance, security and love for a child, a pet, a parent, a friend, a colleague or a client, you are appreciated more than words!

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the amazing “mothers” throughout the industry :)

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